10 Reasons You Can Blame the Recession on Harry Potter Names for Dogs

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The recession is affecting the United States in a variety of ways, and it seems like there’s no end in sight. You might not have seen this one coming: The Harry Potter-inspired dog names are to blame for the recession! That’s right, according to new research from Dog Breed Info Center, over 1 million dogs were named after characters from J.K. Rowling’s popular series during the last decade.

My first argument is that people are looking for comfort in tough times, and dogs do just that!

“Dogs promote the feeling of belonging to a family,” says Dr. Stanley Coren, professor emeritus at University of British Columbia Psychology Department  which means we’re going to make sure you know how to turn this into an opportunity: give them Harry Potter-inspired names and they’ll feel like members of their own family! We can also use these findings as opportunities to educate our customers about dog breeds  if they want a Golden Retriever named Luna or Scabbers (I’m not making those up), well then there’s no better time than now! And finally, I think this research shows us that the Harry Potter series has had a tremendous effect on our culture, and I think that’s worth celebrating.

The recession can be blamed for many things: lost jobs, more construction work outsourced to China, people living in their cars because they lost their homes  but it all boils down to one thing: we’re spending less money! It feels like we have no choice  if you don’t shop or go out to eat then there are less taxes paid into the economy. And so far, this trend is only continuing; average household expenditures dropped by $100 from 2008-2009 alone . That’s why your next pet should come with a free name inspired by those of the magical wizarding world! 

Top Ten Reasons You Can Blame a Recession on Harry Potter Names for Dogs!

He’s your best friend, he’ll never let you down.  His favorite game is fetch  and with all those extra hours in front of the TV it will keep him happy too!  The price tag won’t scare anyone away either  these pets start as low as $12 at Petco .com (or free from a local shelter) They’re always up to date on their shots so there’s no more guilt trips about taking them out or spending money on vet bills when they get sick. It’s not like people can afford health insurance anyway. Harry Potter names for dogs are easy to pronounce, even if you don’t have a college degree. And they’re also great at making friends with the less-educated!  When their time comes, there won’t be any more worries about how much it costs when they go into that final battle against death. These pets will always come back and live forever in your heart or on your mantlepiece as a trophy of love.

It’s true what people say: “love never dies,” so why not share unconditional love with one of these pooches?

If you’ve been feeling down lately because all your dreams didn’t work out like you planned, this pet is perfect for lifting up your spirits without requiring any work on your part!

When you’re so busy being a grown-up, it’s nice to get the chance to be silly with one of these pups. They’ll keep you in touch with what really matters when life gets too serious and they won’t need any more from you than love.  And then there are those Harry Potter names for dogs that just sound like magic spells who knows? Maybe they actually have special powers? It couldn’t hurt to give them a try.

A study by Elena Grigorieva of Concordia University has found an alarming correlation between people naming their dog after Harry Potter characters and higher rates of unemployment during economic downturns. She predicts further declines in employment if demand for Harry Potter -style names continues to grow.

 The recession has caused many people to turn away from expensive, high-maintenance breeds of dogs in favor of more cost-effective alternatives. Many pet owners have found that adopting a dog with a Harry Potter name is the perfect compromise between getting an animal companion and not going broke. 

And because these pups are so affordable and low maintenance, they’re great for first time owners who want some experience caring for an animal but don’t know if it’s something they can commit long term too or for those who live in smaller spaces where larger animals would be out of place.  Although there might be less demand now than during boom times when everyone wanted their own magic carpet ride (sorry, Rover), it looks like the recession is finally starting to wane. In fact, a recent study by an animal research firm suggests that we may have already hit rock bottom and are on our way back up!

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Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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