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This is a personal account of the effects that Coronavirus had in the arms software industry.

It’s been almost six months since Coronavirus made its way into all computers, and it still has not gone away. You may be wondering what this virus does to your computer, how you can prevent it from getting on your computer, or even if you should bother with preventing this virus at all.
In this blog post we will go over 9 ways that coronavirus changed the arms software industry forever by targeting human error as well as providing tips for prevention!
Persistent, not eradicated:
Coronavirus stays in your computer when you delete it. You can’t just delete the virus and expect that to be enough to get rid of all traces of it on your system. It is a persistent virus, meaning that with every reboot or shutdown there will still be remnants left behind. This means that you have to keep cleaning until no more trace remains!
Hackers love this type of thing:
Being able to stay so long undetected and difficult for anything but an expert user to remove has attracted hackers who are now changing their tactics from ransomware attacks by targeting coronavirus instead as they know how hard it is even for experts. The popularity of these types of viruses will only continue to grow with hackers who will use it as a way in.
It has become the new ransomware:
The virus, which is so difficult for experts or amateurs alike, has now made itself into one of the most dangerous viruses there are. It’s not even known how long this type of virus can stay undetected on your system meaning that you could delete it but have no idea if you actually got all traces off! That means staying vigilant and checking to make sure nothing else pops up when you’re using your computer is more important than ever!