15 Movies About Enterprise Software Is Built to Watch When You’re Bored at Home

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I once told my friend that I was bored and he suggested we watch Clint Eastwood’s “The Eiger Sanction.” As a movie, it wasn’t terrible. But as something you would want to do when you were home alone with nothing else to do? Probably not the best choice.

If there is one thing about movies worth watching sitting at home on your couch in front of Netflix, this list has it all for you: from dramas to comedies, thrillers and more!

Casablanca (1942)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Life Is Beautiful (1997)

The Pursuit of Happiness (2006) 

It Happened One Night (1934)

The Great Dictator (1940)

The Bourne Identity (2002)

Top Gun (1986)

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 

E.T. the Extra Terrestrial(1982 )


Welcome to the “The 15 Movies About Enterprise Software That Aren’t Boring” blog post. This is a list of movies you can watch when you are at home and need some entertainment (or if, like me, are on this site because they’re bored). Be warned that there is no order specified for these films or any ranking system used in the decision process. The rationale behind all selections was chosen based on how entertaining each film may be while watching it alone; whether it’s by oneself as opposed to with others around. With that being said, let’s get into our first movie!

Movies that are worth watching even if you’re not bored? That’s a question we get asked all of the time. Here are 15 movies about enterprise software is built to watch when you’re bored at home. These films have all been rated Rotten Tomatoes, so they should be good for hours of entertainment! What could it hurt? We hope this list will give some ideas and maybe help save your day from the boredom blues. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Finding Nemo (2003)

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

 Deadpool II (2018). Ready Player One( 2018). It’s a good thing they’re all rated Rotten Tomatoes, huh? We hope this list will give some ideas and maybe help save your day from the boredom blues! Let us know what you think in the comments. And remember  if we can’t provide convincing arguments for why these movies are worth watching when bored at home, it might be time to try something new or get outside of your comfort zone.

“Finding Nemo” is one of those films that never gets old  even after 17 years since its release date 

“The Social Network”



Crazy Rich Asians

The Last King of Scotland


12. “The Social Network”

This movie is based on the story of how Facebook was founded and grew to be worth $25 billion by 2012. It follows Mark Zuckerberg’s journey from Harvard dropout to billionaire, as he builds a website that eventually connects more than 800 million people worldwide and in the process creates one of history’s most valuable companies. If you want to learn about new social networks or understand why they are such an integral part of our world today, this is a must-watch film!

13. “Silicon Valley”

Inspired by elements both real and fictionalized including interviews with actual Silicon Valley insiders  Mike Judge first debuted his Emmy Award winning comedy series “Silicon Valley” on HBO in the spring of 2014. The show is about a down-on-his-luck programmer trying to become successful by any means necessary, even if that means tricking his friends into giving up their start-up for him. If you like your comedy nerdy and want it delivered with some good moments of satire, then this is the right movie for you!

14. “The Social Network”

This movie tells the story of how Facebook was founded and grew to be worth $25 billion by 2012 through Mark Zuckerberg’s journey from Harvard dropout to billionaire as he builds a website connecting over 800 million people worldwide  and in doing so creates one of history’s most valuable companies. This movie is a must-watch for anyone interested in how social media has evolved and what happens when someone with great ideas, or not so great ones – but the right skills to ‘sell’ them  creates something that can’t be stopped. It offers an insight into Zuckerberg’s brilliance as well as his mistakes, including details of legal battles he faced since Facebook became such a big part of everyone’s life. The story is gritty and emotional; it shows you both sides of success.

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Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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