7 Last Minute Book Club Names Gifts for [Holiday]

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It’s that time of year again! The holidays are quickly approaching and you don’t have a book club name yet. No need to worry, we’ve got 7 last minute book club names for [holiday]! These are perfect for the holiday season and they’re sure to be fun for your friends too.

Here are the top book club names for [holiday]:

The Great Christmas Book Club of 2019

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This is a list of book club names for [holiday]. All are last minute and easy to call upon.

Bookworm Book Club: A group that meets monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of each month, at your favorite bookstore or library. They discuss what they’ve been reading or plan their next read together. Sometimes members bring snacks!

Cats & Books Bookclub: A group where the only rule is you have to love both cats and books (for as long as you can). You get one vote per meeting about which book we will be reading next time around – but it has to be something with either cats in it OR something by an author who also wrote at least one book with cats in it.

Books and Biscotti Bookclub: A group of readers who meet monthly to discuss the books they are reading.

The only rule is that you have to bring a batch of biscotti with your name on it so everyone knows which type you bake. Each person also has to bring one or two copies of their favorite book for other people in the club, but this can be any genre so long as there’s some biscuits too!

The Library Lovers’ Book Club: A cooperative society, unincorporated association, corporation sole or trust established by a number of persons primarily engaged as librarians and/or library workers at least 18 years old residing within an incorporated municipality comprising not less than 600 square miles (100 km) and having at least one school district, the members of which are not less than 600 in number and who meet together on a regular basis for social purposes including activities such as reading books.

The Alice Biscuit Club: A book club where everyone has to bring two packages of cookies (one with their name) so it’s easy for everyone to share during discussions! The Vegan Bookclub: The sole requirement is that you’re vegan or interested in learning about being vegan. You don’t even have to read any specific books, just show up ready to talk about your health journey! Nothing like eating some delicious baked goods while discussing healthy living 🙂 Muffin-makers’ Book Club: This monthly meeting consists mainly of gathering to make muffins and share stories. Everyone brings a different type of muffin to share with the group! The Book Club that Reads Books: This club is for people who love reading, but don’t always have time for it because of school or work. The book club meets one Friday night every month at your favorite coffee shop where you can hang out on couches while you read together in peace!

Book Guilders: A monthly meeting full of wine, cheese, and books – what more could you ask?

Fairy Tale Evening Book Club: This book club emphasizes an evening filled with fairy tales; since there are no requirements other than members must enjoy them as well. It’s perfect if none of the other book clubs seem to fit your needs.

The Book Club That Doesn’t Have a Name: This club just meets in people’s living rooms on the couch every month and never has any set reading list; members are free to bring whatever they want, talk about anything that interests them, or do nothing at all! Afternoon Tea Bookclub: Where you can have good food with fantastic company? An afternoon tea book club is for those who love stimulating conversation over classical literature. The night starts off by making hot beverages and then gathering around the table where everyone enjoys finger foods (I personally recommend chocolate chip cookies!) while discussing an assigned novel together. Participants take turns hosting sessions throughout the year so it involves minimal work for planners – and, of course, there’s always the chance for meeting a new friend!

Sunset Book Club: Sunset book club is perfect if you’re looking to have a laid-back night in.

Sit back and enjoy some warm tea or coffee while discussing an assigned novel while the sun sets outside your window – it’s just like watching TV but way more fun with friends. The best part about this type of book club is that participants can meet up at different times throughout the year (for example, one might host on Sundays) so nobody has to be tied down to any specific day/time commitments! Movie Night Bookclub: This type of literary gathering will only work well if everyone in attendance likes movies as much as they love books. This is ideal for those who are looking to get out of the house but still want a good book discussion. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try suggesting that everyone wear their favorite movie-inspired Halloween costume (or any other holiday theme) which will make for some unforgettable memories!

Chocolate and Wine Book Club: this might sound indulgent at first, but it’s actually very healthy when done responsibly – not to mention delicious! Hosting a chocolate and wine book club can be as simple as bringing some dark chocolate or cacao nibs with your friends over on Friday night while discussing one new novel each month. The best part? You don’t have to read anything specific so everyone gets an opportunity to participate in choosing what they like. Movie Night Book Club: it’s typically reserved for the summer months, but you can still bring a movie night book club to life all year-round. Check out this link to find some of your favorite movies and choose books with them in mind! The best part is being able to watch the film if there are any discrepancies that come up during discussion time 

who says reading has to be boring?

Snow Day Book Club: when everyone else is stuck inside because of snow on (insert date), we’re going outside while discussing our current read over warm hot chocolate or coffee. True story: one January day last winter, my friends and I started talking about how much fun we were having just sitting around drinking tea instead of playing cards or watching TV, and it occurred to me that we could have a book club like this any time of year. Movie Night Book Club: for the first meeting of your movie night book club, choose an iconic film everyone in attendance must watch beforehand so there are no spoilers during discussion time. If you’re looking for some classic films with underlying messages about discrimination (examples include Breakfast at Tiffany’s, All About Eve), read on! Holiday Film & Cozy Reads Book Club: if people show up late because they had to go out and get copies of our selected holiday movies (insert title) as presents for their loved ones before coming over to discuss them, then more power to them – I think it’s incredible

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Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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