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In my office I am constantly carrying around a stack of business cards I received as an office gift from someone who’s never had an office gift before. I do this even when I’m actually doing something I don’t like to, like when I am taking a break from a project. The cards are for a variety of reasons, but the number one is simple: they are really cool.
I’ve been carrying them around with me since the early 1990s and after awhile they started to become a bit of an obsession. I started to put them up on the little bulletin board in my office because they were very functional. At first I used them to send emails or memos, but after awhile I started to think more about them and eventually started writing about them. Because of their size, they are really easy to write on and can be as long as you want.
The next level of self-awareness is this: You can actually make money writing about your business. And that’s what I did. Every day I got a new message from a new company looking for new ways of getting more people to buy from them. And I began to write about them, in the hopes that someday, I’d be able to make a living writing about them.
This is the part where I start to get into trouble because I don’t like to think of myself as a writer. So I started writing about them as a business. The first thing I did was I started to tell people what I did for a living and how I did it. I even wrote a how-to book on it. Soon, I was making enough money writing about them to pay for a place to live. Then, I started to write about them in my blog.
A good business blog should be more than just about a business and what it does. There should be a point where it is an interesting discussion, where there is a clear point of view that people can connect to. A good blog should be more than just a place to write about the business, it should be a place where people can interact and get something out of it.
This is what we call a “book on it,” where there’s something in the discussion that is interesting and worth the reader’s time. I wrote about the business blog in my blog, but it was mostly about writing about it. A good blog should be an entertaining part of a book on it.
This is exactly why we started the idea of this blog. It is a book on it! We love discussing business and marketing, but we love it even more when it is a book on it. We want to bring out the best in people and help them out. You can connect to us here or you can just leave a comment here and we will make sure you get a newsletter when the blog goes live.
Juice Plus is a marketing company that helps small businesses grow and be successful big time. This is a business blog, but it’s a book on marketing, business, and life. We started Juice Plus because we love marketing and helping people out. It gives us a chance to look at all the different levels of marketing that marketing firms have to deal with, from marketing on the Internet to marketing on the phone to advertising on television.
Juice Plus is a really smart place to start if you decide to take the time to make your blog your business blog. It has all the information you need to run your site and get it noticed. It even has a few tips on how to take advantage of the various marketing channels on the web, including the various forms of marketing on the phone, email, and the web.