The Syracuse Better Business Bureau has been in business for over 100 years. If you have a question or concern about a consumer or business, they have answers.
Well, no. They don’t. They have more to answer for. The BBB doesn’t answer to any law. The BBB does answer to the consumers. The consumers are the ones who get to decide whether it’s a good or bad thing to have a BBB on their premises. We decided against having one, because we don’t want BBB employees to be able to harass people.
In other cities, the BBB is a good thing. In Syracuse, they are nothing more than a nuisance. And it’s not just the BBB. Their policies are so bad that they want to eliminate you or your business regardless of your cause. I work at a local restaurant. I have two choices in my business.
The new BBB Syracuse site doesn’t even allow you to post your business name. It’s a one-page website with a bunch of random acronyms like BBB and BBB-SOC, and when I saw that I had to hide my company name because it was so small I thought it was going to be banned from the site. It didn’t matter anyway. The BBB was a no-no.
My company name is actually not a problem on the BBB Syracuse site. It is because I have a very active social media presence on there (plus there’s a ton of other sites out there that I use to promote my business). It does have a rule that you can’t post your business name to the BBB website, but I have my own blog on there now, so I guess thats okay.
That is one thing that keeps me coming back to BBB, for a lot of reasons. The one thing that is a no-no is that you cannot advertise your business on the BBB site. Like I said, my business name is not a problem on the BBB site and I have my own blog on there now, so you can see what I am talking about.
That is what I think of a lot of BBB sites. They are very much like my own BBB site. I think the ones that are a little harder to read are the ones that are not entirely black and white. For example my BBB website is a little more organized than the others, but I still have to do some research to find out who is who in a site. And its not just the names, there are some pretty big differences.
The biggest difference is that the BBB site is a public site, whereas the other BBB sites are only accessible via the BBB application to those who use the BBB website. The BBB applications let you have a “real” BBB site in your pocket, but are still limited to the people who use the site from your own BBB account.
The BBB sites are also very open to anyone. You can create your own and join the BBB network. You just need to register on the site, and then put in your credentials to create your BBB account.
you just need to register on the site, and then put in your credentials to create your BBB account. You can also get credit for your BBB site by using the BBB cash credit card.