A preschool valentine box is a great way to give your child a little treat that they may forget and/or have forgotten, but it’s also a great way to show your child that you appreciate them and want them to always treat you with the same care, respect, and consideration. For our Valentine box, I…
The plywood cylinder is the most common wood paneling in use today. It is a thin plywood panel that is attached to the wall, ceiling, or floor. It is commonly used for fireplaces, kitchen cabinets, and other small areas. It is also used in commercial settings to replace wooden paneling in open shelving and other…
This is a great place for the crafty type to add their own personal touch to a room. Candle holders and holders are one of the best ways to really add some ambiance to a space, and they also give a very creative way to add a touch of beauty to your walls. I've found…
I get asked a lot about leather holsters. Most of the time I answer questions by saying “I have one but I’m not using it right now.” Most of the time, I’m right, and the person I was asking is either really dumb, has no idea of leather holsters, or has no desire to learn.…
This is a look that I wear all the time. It’s a way of using the clothes I already own to make my life feel more comfortable and fun. My outfits, some of which are borrowed, are usually an outfit that is comfortable and looks good on my body. This is also a look that…
I first made this as a way for me to keep my journal while I was on my journey to becoming a better writer. I still use it to write every morning and every night and every day it is also one of my favorite tools to organize and keep my thoughts. I still use…
This new sewing clock has been a big help for me. The sewing time has been a constant reminder of when I was getting ready to sew and it had been a time of self-reflection. To make it work, I took advantage of many of the features found in the clock and made the clock…
Neon shirts are the staple of most people’s wardrobe, but when they are not in style, they can cause a lot of confusion. But, once you know what to look for and how to wear it, it can be a fun and stylish purchase to add a bit of style to your wardrobe. The best…
We need to understand that the winter season is over and that it isn’t just a few weeks of snow. It’s also a time where we can take our creativity and get back to making things that look and feel like the real thing. And it's not just crafts that get the cold treatment. That…
This is a great way to use a t shirt (like this one) to create a fun way to make your own t shirt. It is easy to make, super easy to wash, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. It is true that you can buy t shirts with a…