Sumter County, South Carolina, is a small county in the state of South Carolina. It is located on the south side of the SC-SC border. Sumter is located in the southern part of the state and its capital is the city of Sumter, which is located in the southwest corner of the county. The area near Sumter is known as Sumter County. The population in Sumter County is estimated to be about 1,847 people.
Sumter is a small county in the South Carolina. It is located on the south side of the SC-SC border. It is located in the southern part of the state and its capital is the city of Sumter, which is located in the southwest corner of the county. It’s population is estimated to be about 1,847 people.
Sumter County is a major economic center in the South Carolina. In 2011, the county had a total of $3,837,826.00 in revenue. The total number of jobs in Sumter County is estimated to be about 6,200 jobs. The average salary of a person working in Sumter County is approximately $65,000.00 per year.
So what does the unemployment rate look like in Sumter County? Well, it’s around 7.4%, which is not terrible, but it is a bit higher than the state average.
Sumter County, though, is not a typical unemployment-rate-looking place. It is a bit like the rural Midwest. There is a bit of a rural flavor to it, but it is not a typical place either. It doesn’t feel like a place where you’ve had the same job for 10 years, or where you have a lot of the same people. It is not a place where you might see a lot of job openings or good salaries.
As for Sumter County, I thought it was pretty similar to the Midwest. The unemployment rate was very low, and people were not as stressed. I dont know how that is for a place like Sumter County, but I thought it seemed like a place where people had a lot less stress.
Yes, it is a place where the unemployment rate is very low and the area is very small. The county is actually one of the lowest unemployment counties in the country. The county is mostly populated by people from the south who are now living in the area. The unemployment rate was also very low in sumter county, but it seems to have increased again since we left.
As for the population figures, the population of Sumter County is about 28,000. Although, the population is lower in the areas south of the county than in the northern part of the county. In the northern part of the county, there are about 20,000 people. The southern part of the county has about 10,000 people. The unemployment rate for the northern part is about 13% while in the south it is about 9%.
The new figures for Sumter County show that the unemployment rate for these areas is about 13 percent, the same as in most other counties in the state. The highest unemployment rate in Sumter County is in the city of Jackson. The highest unemployment rate in Sumter County is in the city of Jackson.
The unemployment rate for Sumter County is about 12 percent lower than the county as a whole. The highest unemployment rate in Sumter County is in the city of Jackson.