I’m always on the lookout for new crafts that I can make on my own, and these halloween crafts classroom were a great way to start off my new learning process. From making the “carnivore” and “vampire” costumes, to creating and painting my own Halloween mask, I hope to inspire myself and others to take up a hobby in the near future.
This is one of those crafts that I would definitely recommend. The only negative is that I don’t think it’s really a new craft, unlike the pumpkin carving we did in the last video, so I’d probably recommend that for someone who hasn’t done it before.
I think the problem here is that we’re defining a “new craft” too broadly, as I’d argue that even if I did make the above costume, I wouldn’t consider it a “new craft” because its too much of an old hat for most people. I’d also point out that the video did a great job of showing me other ways to make cool things, like using the molds to make a pumpkin and a vampire mask.
As for the pumpkin carving, if you’ve been to the pumpkin festival in the last video then this is the best part. The whole thing takes place in a pumpkin patch, on a boat, and on a farm with farm animals. It took me a while to decide what to do but finally decided to carve my own pumpkin. The only problem is that I did not have the patience to do the whole thing, so I had to go back for a second go around.
Well, I guess we can always go back, if your pumpkin is in a funny way shaped like a pumpkin. In this case, since the carving is in a pumpkin patch, it looks like a pumpkin.
To be honest, I didn’t try to make my own pumpkin, but I am fairly sure that I have a few pumpkins on hand that are shaped that way. The best part is that you can actually carve your own pumpkin.
I can see why you might not take your pumpkins to school when you’re at school, but I have seen some awesome pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. I personally believe that if you have a large enough pumpkin, you will be able to carve your pumpkins yourself. The problem with the video below is that it is all too easy to just put a pumpkin in your hand and say “I’m done yet,” and take it home to carve.
The video below is a good example of how to carve a pumpkin perfectly. I didn’t actually carve my pumpkins myself, it was done by one of the pumpkin-weaving instructors. But I do think you can learn a lot from this pumpkin-weaving class. If you can only have one thing in the world every single day, that’s it.
I’ve never done anything like this, but I think the video below is a good example of what a pumpkin-weaving class looks like. Pumpkins are pretty easy to carve, but it is something I’ve always been too scared to try. I’m sure the pumpkin-weaving instructor could have made it a lot more fun, but it is still an experience I would love to have.