I thought macrame hoop patterns were just for hipsters and we were all in on a trend, but this is actually a really beautiful and versatile technique for adding texture and interest to any project. In this pattern, you can create a nice contrast between the top and bottom of the hoop, and you can even use them in your projects to create interesting patterns on the outside.
Macrame hoop patterns are similar in concept to those we saw last year in the video above. The difference is that they are more complex and require a lot of time and patience to work well. There are a couple other videos by the same folks that show people making macrame hoop patterns as well. If you’d like to see some, check out this link to the first video that is linked there.
Macrame hoop patterns are designed to create lines and shapes that are difficult to replicate with other hoops. It’s a fun project that will get you in the practice of making your own.
The secret of macrame hoops is the way in which they’re made. The first and most important step is to take a piece of 1/16″ thick cardboard and cut out the shape of the hoop. There are two ways to do this. The first is to use a laser cutter and then to “print” out the shape on a piece of card stock, then cut it out. This can be a hassle, but it can be a lot of fun.
The second method is to use an old-fashioned black and white printer. This can be a bit more expensive, but it does have the advantage of allowing you to print out the shape of the hoop in two colors. Once you have the shape of the hoop, you can mold it into the shape of a hoop. This can be tricky because the hoop will have to be made of a very thick material.
The hoop pattern is a really simple way to make the hoops of a hoop. The only hard part is cutting out the shape. If you have a good old-fashioned laser cutter, the hoop pattern can be done in less than 10 minutes. The pattern, once printed and cut out, can then be put on a piece of card stock and laser-cut into the shape of the hoop.
For those interested, here is a link to the patterns.
The pattern is also on the Macrame website and on Macrame’s website.
The hoops from macrame have a flat top and a round bottom. They’re a great way to hide the holes in other hoops. If you have the Macrame hoop pattern on hand, you can cut them out and make them a nice flat surface for your new hoop.
The top and bottom of the macrame hoops are made from a type of plastic that is quite durable compared to the more common fiberglass. Fiberglass is a bit more delicate and will fade over time, so the macrame hoops are a nice way to hide the holes in a hoop. You can also get the hoops as a set of four, in which case you can use the hoops to make three hoops for each hand.