which of the following statements about dna technology is false?

One of them is that DNA was discovered by accident. The other one is that DNA has been around for a long time. The third one is that DNA can be read by machines.

DNA is one of the two major kinds of hereditary material in the human body, the other being RNA. DNA contains the genetic instructions for making proteins. It is what makes the cells in our bodies alive and functioning. DNA is also the way that we transmit our information throughout our bodies from one generation to the next, so to say that DNA is a “new” technology is kind of wrong. DNA is the most ancient, oldest thing on our planet.

DNA is not the only kind of hereditary material since RNA is, but DNA is the most common. RNA is a much more recent discovery. It was first discovered in a human body in 1952, and the first complete human genome was published in 1997.

DNA is not the only kind of hereditary material since RNA is, but DNA is the most common. RNA is a much more recent discovery. It was first discovered in a human body in 1952, and the first complete human genome was published in 1997.

DNA is a very old material, but it was first discovered in a human body in 1952.

RNA is the only hereditary material that’s not DNA. DNA is the most common type of hereditary material, but RNA is a much more recent discovery. RNA is a much older material, but it was first discovered in a human body in 1952.

RNA is a very interesting material, and it’s important to know about it. But it’s just a lot of crap, and nobody seems to know what all the fuss is about. DNA is more of a holy grail of scientific discovery, but the fact that it’s extremely ancient and highly unprocessed means that we can’t really make sense of the information in it.

I’m not going to argue with you. There are a few things about DNA that you just can’t explain to people who haven’t had the chance to learn about it. DNA doesn’t just talk about genes; it talks about the entire genome.

DNA is just a set of genetic codes that a cell copies and then translates into a physical object. A cell encodes information about a species of animal or a species of plant. There are many DNA codes that are specific to a particular species. So there is a lot of random genetic information that is specific to a species. But it is a set of information that a biological system is able to remember. The biggest problem with DNA is that you can only store information for a certain amount of time.

The biggest problem with DNA is that you can only store information for a certain amount of time. So there is a lot of random genetic information that is specific to a species. But it is a set of information that a biological system is able to remember. The biggest problem with DNA is that you can only store information for a certain amount of time.

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