why are you closed

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Opening paragraph: The days of 9 to 5 work schedules are over

sign, close, symbol @ Pixabay

This is a new world where people want their careers and businesses to be agile. If you don’t make your workplace agile, then you will get left behind! In this blog post, we discuss how to make your business more agile by opening 24 hours a day.

CEOs and managers need to be more flexible with their time. They should do what it takes to make sure that the business is still running smoothly even if they cannot physically be there at any given moment. This means having an open dialogue with employees, delegating responsibilities, and being willing to work on your own schedule outside of traditional hours when needed.

There are three keys to making a workplace agile:

Being available 24/hours a day because people want access no matter where or what time of the day it may be, Working together as team members instead of working independently so that you can always have someone’s back, Taking care of yourself by eating right, getting enough sleep, etc.

Companies tend to be closed on weekends. This means that employees are often not able to bid farewells, have a last coffee with their peers or family members before the break of dawn, etc. Furthermore, while some may find it as an opportunity for self-reflection and rest, others might experience its barrenness as stifling isolation in which they feel lonely because everyone else is gone.

The lack of communication between colleagues during these days can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts when workers return from vacation or other off time periods. Anecdotally speaking it’s become clear how much our society has changed since companies like Google started experimenting with allowing employees work remotely. It was only when I had participated in such experiments myself did I realize what a huge impact these programs have on the rest of society. I’ve found that employees are happier, more productive and use their time at work much better when they can do it remotely.

The Five Core Principles:

TIME, The company should allow for flexible schedules to accommodate workers’ needs in order to promote productivity and happiness.


Communication is a key ingredient for any healthy relationship with colleagues or clients; consequently, open lines of communication need to be fostered between all stakeholders involved in an organization’s business dealings.


Setting clear goals will help everyone working together as a team stay focused on what matters most so that success becomes inevitable over time.

Categories: blog
Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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