why can meowth talk

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 A Relief for all Pokemon fans

Meowth from Pokemon is a feline Pokémon with the ability to talk. This fact has been thought of as one of the most mysterious in all of anime, and it’s finally been solved by Meowth’s voice actor himself! In an interview, he revealed that Meowth can talk because “he learned how..through his many adventures.” This is a relief for all Pokemon fans who have been wondering why!

This explanation makes sense, and we’re glad to know Meowth can talk because he learned how through his many adventures! Hopefully this will help you out with any questions about pokemon that are left unanswered..at least until next week’s episode airs on TV (or when the new movie comes out)! 

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Why can meowth talk?

That’s the question on everyone’s minds, and they’re not even talking about Meowth from Pokemon! The actor of Meowth in the English dub has addressed this mystery.

Meowth is actually a catlike creature called a ‘Persian’. He was given his voice because he likes to mimic humans so much that it would have been weird for him only to make noises like other Pokémon.

This answer reveals something else as well: no one knows what any Pokémon are saying during their battles with each other in the games or anime. It turns out that all Pikachu says is “Pikachu!” And who really understands Pidgey anyways? Not us! So while we know what Meowth and Persian say, we can’t know what the other Pokémon are saying. 

He was given his voice because he likes to mimic humans so much that it would have been weird for him only to make noises like other Pokémon. This answer reveals something else as well: no one knows what any Pokemon are saying during their battles with each other in the games or anime. It turns out that all Pikachu says is “Pikachu!” And who really understands Pidgey anyways? Not us! 

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Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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