why don’t we memes

vendetta, anonymous, mask @ Pixabay

The internet is littered with memes.

You can’t scroll through your Facebook feed without seeing a meme, or watch any YouTube video without them being in the comments section. Memes are all over social media and it seems like everyone loves them! But do they really? The answer to that question can vary depending on who you ask. While some people love memes for how relatable and hilarious they are, others find them annoying or offensive. So if we put ourselves in those shoes, why don’t we (the meaning of “we” as the reader) love memes too?

We might not love memes because they are repetitive. We see the same things over and over again, which is in a sense tiring to us. A good example of this would be all those people who post about how “the struggle” is real by posting pictures of themselves using their fingers as quotation marks around the word ‘struggle’.

car, monkeys, driving @ Pixabay

This meme has been going on since 2011!

Another reason why we may not like them because it’s hard to tell when somebody is being serious or if they’re just joking with you through a joke picture or video. They can also make lighthearted matters seem dangerous which doesn’t help anyone out at times.

Memes often have false information too so if someone trusts the information from a meme then there could be mistakes that could have been prevented if they had sought out the information elsewhere. We may not like memes because we’re afraid of what they will do to us. For example, there’s the one about someone who goes up to a door and sees that it doesn’t have a handle on the outside so instead of turning around he decides to take off his pants and open the door with them.

This is obviously just for laughs but if someone saw this at work then they might feel unsafe or worried as well as embarrassed. There are also those “prank” videos where people put hidden cameras in somebody else’s room or home while nobody is inside which could lead to stalking territory very quickly too even though these videos never show any faces most people can tell based on some clues that it was filmed by recording themselves.

Categories: blog
Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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