why is supreme so expensive

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Supreme is an American clothing brand founded in 1994 by James Jebbia. It has a cult following, with many people wearing the clothes because they are different from anything else on the market. One of the reasons for this is that Supreme has always kept its production numbers low to maintain exclusivity and high prices.

In this article we’ll take a look at how Supreme increased their prices over time and why it’s so expensive to buy!

For starters, Supreme has always had a high price point. In 1994 it was $38 for a T-shirt or hoodie and in 2016 the same shirt is about $60-$80. The increase of prices could be because they want to maintain exclusivity with their brand but also because more people are buying items now than when they first began so there needs to be an influx of cashflow to keep up with demand.

You might not know this because you can’t find them at your local stores like H&M or Zara, but Supreme sells primarily through its own online store which means that all shipping costs go back into the company’s pockets instead of someone else’s.

This may also contribute to why their prices are so high. 

Supreme also does not have an inventory of items sitting around in warehouses waiting to be sold – they only make what is ordered and then produce it for the customer who ordered it. This means that if you want a shirt, you’ll need to order it from them or wait until your desired item comes back into stock again before buying online (which can take weeks). Shipping times will vary depending on where you live but anywhere from two days up to 30 days could pass between when you purchase something and when it arrives at your door step which might contribute to the price point as well because more time/effort goes into creating each product than other brands with larger inventories.

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Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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