why would you want to add someone to a twitter list in hootsuite?

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Twitter lists are a great way to organize your followers and make it easier for you to see what is happening in the Twitterverse.

Here are 4 reasons why you should add someone to one of your Twitter lists.

1) You can find them easily with filters

2) It saves time searching

3) You will know when they tweet because their tweets show up on your feed

4) They won’t be able to follow you back unless they’re already following you

Here are some tips for managing your lists:

Add someone to a list by clicking on their profile, then “Add to List”

To create a new list type the name of the list and click Create New List; you can also add people from this page too!

Clicking Edit Lists brings up all of your lists as well as who is in them. You will be able to rearrange how they appear if you want or delete any that no longer suit your needs. From here, it’s easy to change whether or not they show up on your feed.”

These are just four reasons why you might use Twitter lists but there are plenty more including organizing personal accounts with different purposes like clients, family.

The first reason to add someone to a Twitter list is that it can be easier than trying to tweet at them. If they’re on your list, you don’t have to worry about spelling their name right or what type of service where tweeted.


One major advantage of using the Hootsuite platform for managing social media accounts is its ability to create lists and assign users from one account to another. This helps if you want all notifications grouped – either by person (e.g., family) or topic (news). You will not receive notifications when an assigned user posts something new while those who are not yet in your list(s) do get notified according as set up on the profile page and feeds screen

Reason :

Reasons to add someone on twitter list in hootsuite. strengthens relationships, groups likeminded people together and can help you stay organized with lists of trending topics or search terms. & it is a way for your followers to learn more about what interests them from the content that they love by following other tweeps who post similar things.

It also allows you to curate lists so that those interested only get the tweets from their chosen topic without being overwhelmed by all the chatter going on in Twitter world! You’ll have an easier time keeping up with your favorite hashtags as well because there are no limits on how many tags you can follow at once! 

Categories: blog
Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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