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What are the best free video editing programs for Mac?
This is a question that many people have been asking themselves lately. With so much competition in this field, it can be hard to know which software will give you the most bang for your buck. We’ve compiled 6 of our favorite tweets from Reddit about this very topic!
“I might be in the minority but I’ve always used Windows Movie Maker.”
“Avid is my favorite, and also costs $$. If you’re looking for cheap alternatives to it though, there’s Adobe Premier Pro which has a free trial and Sony Vegas”
What are your thoughts?
Do you have any other suggestions for video editing software that we didn’t mention? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook!
“My video editing software always crashes when I try to add a title on my DVD.”
“I can’t edit the subtitles because it tells me ‘insufficient privileges’.”
“It’s like he has no sense of humor at all, so we’re having him do long form writing for us.”
“He was born with half an arm and cannot use his left hand due to cerebral palsy. He edits text using only his right hand.”