The trimble business center manual is one of the few business manuals that is written for the public. It is written by a former trimble customer who has put in the time to learn our company’s processes, policies, and procedures. We have used this document to help other business owners understand and comply with our…
This western business attire female is my go-to outfit when I come to visit a friend. Not only does it look great, I feel comfortable in it. Even if I am visiting the friend for the first time, I always look forward to seeing this outfit. When I am visiting, my friend often tells me…
If you’ve ever had to work with a graphic designer, you know how much work goes into the look of a house. The same goes for interior design. A lot of it is about the way the space is laid out, where the furniture is placed, how the walls or windows are arranged, and how…
I recently acquired a new business card holder for Nordstrom. If you are ever in town, I highly recommend checking the store out. The location is in the heart of everything I love, so it is a perfect spot for a quick getaway.
Yes, the store itself is gorgeous. I can't stop comparing it to…
We are all aware of the many ways in which we try to hide our inner selves from the world. For example, we can all agree that when we are driving in traffic, we often put on our reflective face to see through the windows. However, most drivers today are using their mirrors as a…
I can’t say I have ever been the only one at a restaurant asking for business for sale information. I’m sure there are others who have as well.
While the vast majority of restaurants are doing just fine, I have to tell you that there are still a few places that look more or less…
When I was younger, my mother would give me a list of things I needed to do or learn to do. She was always encouraging me to do what she called “systematic business consulting,” which was the process of figuring out how to do it all herself. She was like, “If you know what you’re…
The federal Better Business Bureau is a nonprofit organization that promotes the growth and development of small businesses in the United States by providing an avenue for small businesses to receive information and services from the government.
The BBB works on a voluntary basis and doesn’t receive any money from the government but they do…
My favorite quizlet is the third one because it is really close to the “real work” of the law and I love the “I’m just doing my job” attitude that comes from the quizlet.
The quizlet is called the "business law chapter three" because it deals with the three main areas of business law: contracts,…
oracle business analyst salaries are one of the most sought-after professional job titles in the business world today. While these jobs are more commonly associated with marketing, there are many business analysts who work in sales and marketing and are worth millions of dollars. The salary for a business analyst ranges from a low of…