As a business person, it’s really difficult to keep track of the little things that make your business your own. If you are trying to keep up with your daily business, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget about the small things that you do. Your business database can help…
We often hear the phrase “Scrooges Dead Business Partner” and think, “wow, what a horrible thing to say about someone.
Scrooges Dead Business Partner is a term that comes from a book written in 1844 by George Scroggs. It refers to the type of person who will take over other people's businesses, who uses the…
newport beach business license is a business, not a license. It is the law that states you can only operate a business in the city of newport beach. The business license only allows you to do business at the beach, and it does not cover other areas of the city. The city doesn’t have the… pays a fairly high amount of money for a business analyst, and it does so without having to actually do the work. That’s pretty awesome. Many Amazon employees are also business analysts, and having the opportunity to work for one can be a nice way to learn about a particular field.
Amazon is also…
So I’ve been traveling and doing business in Malaysia for a little bit, so I thought I would share my thoughts and recommendations with you. I’ve been to Kuala Lumpur and I’ve also been to Penang (which I’ll be writing about later in my blog) and I have a feeling that I’ll go back and…
This is a story that is currently in our newsletter that is about business partners international. In a recent study, it was discovered that the most successful entrepreneurs use an effective communication tool called the “three levels of self-awareness” to create a successful business.
I see your point with having one's own business as being…
This is one that is all about wearing your pantyhose for work. Pantyhose is a business professional’s best clothing accessory. It can be worn in a variety of business environments. There are countless places where pantyhose should be worn including: sales, meetings, and on the road.
Pantyhose business professionals include lawyers, stock brokers, accountants, financial…
I recently had to do research for a paper on how a business was able to grow in a very competitive region of the world. It was a pretty big endeavor with multiple research sources and a lot of time spent researching. It was quite the challenge. I had to do research on an industry…
For me, buying supplies for my business is a chore. I have to think about all the things I need to buy and how I want to store them. When I come across supplies I don’t already have, it becomes a battle of what to buy next. I end up buying things that I don’t…
When we talk about buying a new business case, we are usually referring to the actual leather, not the wood. When we talk about the business case, we are referring to the actual leather (not the wood), so it is important to select the right leather for your use case. The leather that is used…