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archaic technology

I can’t help but wonder if the fact that many of us are technologically challenged is really a bad thing because we are so dependent on technology. We are constantly bombarded with a barrage of information from social media and the internet that we are now able to access from our phones, computers, and tablets.…

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edery technology

The edery technology in this podcast is an interview with a few people who are making a difference in the world of education and innovation. They talked about edery technology, the changes in education, and the ways to get involved. Edery technology is an education technology that changes the way we teach and learn. It…

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cuna technology council

This is a new company that has been around since 1999, and is still going strong. They specialize in the marketing of a variety of cuna products. A nice example is their new "cuna-powered" car seat. I'm not sure whether cuna's product or marketing is any more impressive than the other technologies they sell, but…

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definitive technology 9060

From my experience, I would say that the majority of consumers use technology to accomplish almost all of their daily needs. My theory is that technology is making us more aware of what we need, and more confident when it comes to using our technology to accomplish the things we need to accomplish. I think…

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treatment technology

In this episode, we discuss the “treatments” that are available to treat cancer or address anxiety or depression. This is a very popular topic among those who have a chronic disease such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, or cancer. One of the most prevalent and yet least talked about topics is the use of…

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turner technology

Turner Technology is a part of Turner Custom Homes. I have used this company for a few years now. It is a family owned business with a great team, and they are always willing to give you the advice and assistance you may not be able to get from a big box store. Turner Technology…

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