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turkish business culture

We live in a world where business is everywhere. We live in a world where we have to compete with everyone else in order to stay competitive. Being a professional or an entrepreneur is an incredibly high-stakes endeavor and it can be difficult to find a balance between the demands of the job and the…

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mountain monkey business

For me, one of the best things about climbing mountains is the moments that occur when you’re up there and it’s just you and the peaks and the views and you’re not thinking about anything else. Your mind immediately switches to the task at hand and all your thoughts are focused on that single task.…

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black box business model

In the words of one of my favorite business leaders, a “black box” business model is one where the owner or CEO knows exactly what the business is doing, but has no clue as to what customers are paying for it. The model allows them to get an immediate response from the customers they are…

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business support analyst

You would think that business support analyst would be a position that would allow for someone that has a lot of experience in software development, database administration, or anything related to software. But, the truth is that there are people that are in the business support positions that have no experience in that field, yet…

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video game business card

This business card is a marketing campaign for the video game business. This is a business card that you get to write on and hand out to friends and family. It can be used to make a business card for your company, your business, or your services. A business card can be a very effective…

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