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The 13 Reasons Why Netflix series has been a big hit for many viewers.
The show is about a girl who commits suicide and leaves behind tapes explaining why she chose to end her life. But how was this show developed? In this article, we will explore the story behind the popular TV series. We’ll discuss what inspired Jay Asher to write the book, and what went into making it into an award-winning movie you can binge on Netflix!
In 2008, author Jay Asher came up with 13 reasons why he thought his classmate Hannah Baker committed suicide – their only point of contact is that one time when they were both at lunch together in junior year English class. He wrote down these thirteen reasons as short vignettes describing events.
I just finished watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix and I was blown away
it’s a groundbreaking show that will make you think.
The creators did an amazing job of portraying the gritty reality of high school life, how bullying can lead to suicide, and how fragile teenagers are. They also managed to weave in the message about consent without being preachy or annoying (probably because they focused so much on other topics).
I’m really looking forward to season two! If you haven’t watched it yet, try not to get spoiled but do watch it quickly if possible. It won’t be released until next year 🙁 But check out our review for more thoughts from me! 🙂
A sentence summarizing the content:
The show has some violence and is a bit dark, but it’s an amazing show that will make you think about today’s society. A sentence summarizing the content: The show portrays the reality of high school life (bullying leading to suicide) while including a message about consent without being preachy or annoying. “The creators did an amazing job of portraying the gritty reality of high school life.” this statement captures how well they portrayed different aspects of that world such as bullying leads to suicides and how fragile teenagers are.
“They also managed to weave in the message about consent without being preachy or annoying” showing that their goal was not just entertainment since they included many messages throughout 13 reasons why which can be seen by them.