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What are you waiting for?

“Why won’t you?”
Why won’t you try to take a risk and do something new with your life? You already know that there is nothing more exciting than trying out something new. I am sure that it has been a while since you have tried anything new, so let’s get started!
I am not saying that everything will work out perfectly, but what if it does? If we don’t try then we can never find the answer to this question: “Why won’t you?”
The first thing I want you to do is make a list of what has been keeping you from taking that leap. Write down every excuse or reason that pops into your head and then cross it off the list once you have conquered one! We can’t get past these things if we don’t write them down, so let’s start there.
Then create goals for yourself. Goals should be measurable, realistic, achievable, and time-bound, they keep us on track while being flexible enough to allow for changes in our lives. What would happen if you wrote out two goals? How about five? Ten? You could even break larger long-term goals up into small milestones with intermediate deadlines (e.g., “in six months” or “in three weeks”).
Make a plan to overcome your biggest obstacles.
Write down the steps that you will take in the order of priority, and how long they’ll take give yourself deadlines so you’re not waiting around for something to happen!
Lastly, make a checklist of what needs to be done before you start taking action. This list should include any materials or supplies you might need (e.g., business cards), tasks that require more than one person’s help (e.g., pitching an idea,) or anything else that could get lost along the way if it isn’t written down somewhere where we can see it every day until it actually happens!
What is keeping me from doing this?
What are my obstacles? How will I overcome my obstacles? What steps can I take now to start taking action tomorrow? Write down the step and how long it’ll take. Give yourself deadlines so you’re not waiting around for something to happen!