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Sometimes, the best way to know that your cat is in distress is by noticing their symptoms.

Here are eleven warning signs that you need to pay attention to if you want your pet to be healthy and happy:
1) Excessive panting or breathing
2) Drooling excessively
3) Urinating or defecating outside of the litter box
4) Lethargy/lack of energy; sudden weight loss
5) Loss of appetite; vomiting
6) Fever (higher than 103 F); diarrhea
11) Excessive scratching at the face and neck
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These are all signs of a potential health issue, so it’s important to notice them early on. If your cat is panting excessively or showing other symptoms listed above (drooling, urinating outside the litter box, loss of appetite), please contact your veterinarian right away!
They can help you figure out what might be going on with your pet. You may need to bring in an x-ray for further evaluation, some illnesses like kidney disease often show up in cats months before they even start displaying symptoms. Although there isn’t one specific animal hospital that treats cats exclusively, every vet will have experience dealing with felines as part.
There are a variety of reasons why your cat may be panting. Some common ones include heat, pain, or being overexcited. Other signs to look for: increased heart rate and difficulty breathing, irregular meows that sound weak or high-pitched (a sign of distress), hesitation when climbing stairs or jumping up onto surfaces, decreased appetite, and weight loss; hiding more than usual under the bed or in other out-of-the-way places like closets
If you notice any changes in how your cat is behaving, especially if they have been acting this way for more than two days, it’s time to seek veterinary attention.
Light green text indicates bullet points where additional information should go.
Is your cat sleeping more than usual?
Are they getting enough food and water?
Do you know what their pain level is on a scale of 0 to 12, with 12 being the most painful? If so, are they at an 11 or higher? Adjust feeding amounts accordingly.
If your house has been closed up for some time without air conditioning or central heating running, did the room temperature suddenly drop dramatically in one specific area where your cat likes to sleep or hang out near often (like under a bed)? Your kitty might be having trouble breathing because cool air causes fluid buildup in their lungs. Check them over for difficulty breathing as well. You may need to place them somewhere warmer immediately.